Understanding Gurbani
Diner Talk by Dr. Dalvir Pannu
This talk will be focused on why we need to know the name of the different authors of Gurbani as we recite it! By identifying the author, we might be able to understand specific compositions of Gurbani in a way, that was intended by Sri Guru Arjan Dev Ji when he compiled the Bani of different authors together in the holy scripture. The speaker shall provide few examples from Sri Guru Granth Sahib, where, if the author is not known, the hidden meaning of the Guru’s teachings remains obscure. The authors of various Janmsakhi traditions alsotried to take leverage from the quotes of Gurbani to authenticate different sakhis. This talk shall briefly discuss a few examples from those hagiographic accounts also, where critical mistakes were made about the authorship of Gurbani quotes, which in turn, helped the modern researchers to determine the timeline when the Janamsakhis were written. This talk is not a teaching lecture from a Sikh Scholar, but this is a casual talk by a dentist, who is passionate to understand the vast field of Gurbani philosophy and wants you to accompany him for 30 minutes, in this fascinating process.
About the Author:

Dr. Dalvir Pannu, along with running his dental practice in the Bay Area, is passionate about unearthing the narratives behind the Sikh historical and religious places displaced during the India–Pakistan partition of 1947. While exploring the heritage sites, he developed a deep interest in analyzing multiple Janamsakhis (hagiography accounts) and their association with Gurbani. His love and dedication to increase Sikh heritage-lovers’ understanding of the Historical Gurdwaras in Pakistan have resulted in his upcoming book The Sikh Heritage: Beyond Borders, that includes primary sources and Gurmukhi inscriptions translated into English. He has attempted to counter the mythical legends associated with the Sikh Gurus, so that the Nanakian philosophy can make a global impact.